Greetings in that Majestic and all Powerful name of Jesus Christ. It is because of him that we have been able to endure another year. His grace & mercy have accompanied us daily and he has breathed the fresh air of life into our lungs. Thank You JESUS. Christ has done so much for the world, he was Born to Die. He had a death sentence before he could utter a sentence. He loved the world so much, that he was willing to die, What kind of love is this, that a man would lay down his life for a friend?? The bible declares in Hebrews that he saw the joy that was before him and despised the shame, and he PATIENTLY endured the cross(Hebrews 12:2). He has done great things for us and to make it personal, ME. And with him doing all that for mankind, what do we do for him? I dare you to take a step back for a moment, and examine what it is that you do for the Lord?
Hopefully you are helping the Lord build his kingdom. Whatever the case maybe, are you doing your reasonable service? Not sure what your reasonable service is, check out Romans 12:1,2. We are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, HOLY and acceptable unto the Lord. That is our reasonable service, to be Holy. Paul takes it a bit further in verse 2 and beseeching the brethren to be renewed by the transforming of your mind. In 2008, there is a confusion of what our reasonable service is. If asked what their service was, most Christians would respond with going to church and being a good person. Those answers are correct, never stop going to church(Hebrews 10:25) and conduct yourself like a child of God(Romans 12). But those answers are not enough, we must take it a step further and be a disciple for Jesus Christ. We ought to be telling someone about the goodness of the Lord, telling them how he saves. Witnessing should be a top priority for us. But before we try to witness, make sure we are representing Christ correctly. Our actions, behavior and conversations should make the individual an invisible one. How so?? When others look upon you, do they see Jesus? or do they see a church attender? Those of us who are saved should have an invisible representation where the unsaved can see Jesus through us. They should not see carnality, but should see the spirit of Christ moving through us.
The challenge is set, be an invisible representer of the Lord so someone can see just how good God is and ask "What must I do to be saved?"
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Contact Me
If you ever want to send me anything or just want to engage in any theological discussion, please don't hesitate to email me at
God Bless
God Bless
Monday, December 8, 2008
Mind of Church Folk
The mind of Church (Saved) Folk should be studied by World scientist. Because it has to be different than those outside (UnSaved) the church world. Why do I say this? In any society, most people will support and fight for those they classify as family. People will be there when family needs them, and protect them when harm comes their way. But in church, that basic philosophy seems to be misunderstood. It is extremely baffling to me as to how "Da Saints" continually bash each other for selfish reasons. It confuses me how people can honestly claim salvation and claim to be children of God and be as cold and have no LOVE!! Doesn't John 13:34-35 declare "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another" It doesn't get more plainer than that!! So one would have to assume that if a "Saint" does not have love for others, than perhaps they are not a "Saint" but a fraud. I understand the fact that church is an assembly of individuals, and of course there are going to be issues simply because people have their own opinions and ways of life. That's fine and I don't want to come to a church where everyone is a robot and acts all the same, that is what we may call a cult. Diversity is necessary in ministry. But why is it that church people have the biggest problems loving each other. And truthfully, its not just the not showing love part, its the insisting that they are Saved, Blessed, Anointed and on our way to Heaven. But you can't go to Heaven being a slayer of the brethren. I am really saddened by the violence of the Saints. And I am more saddened because it comes from those who claim to be DEEP!!! People brag and boast on who they are, how long they been saved but they are the same ones who can't speak to certain people. If you aint speaking to your brothers and sisters, then you sure nuff not witnessing and telling the unsaved about the goodness of Jesus. A fired up Holy Ghost believer can't do that, there's no way I can walk past my brother or sister and carry ill will. Its a desperate case in most churches today, shoutin and dancin on top of Mess and Carnality.
And its one thing not to show love, but its another thing to try to inflict pain on your brother. We fight each other in church and try to make others look and feel bad. And what I have learned is that Church Folk are bickering over the smallest issues. A simple difference of opinion leads people into warfare. Preacher against Preacher, Missionary against Mother, Deacon Against Brother, what in the World?? Why are we so busy fighting each other and the rapture is around the corner. We claim to be righteous and Holy, but "the righteous shall scarcely be saved" (1 Peter 4:18) And that means those who really been living and fighting against the wiles of the enemy, will scarcely make it. Those who been earnestly trying to fight the good fight of faith, will make it in by the skin of their teeth. The righteous are not fighting their brother, the righteous don't try to wound their sister, the righteous don't intentionally try to tear down anyone. But sadly, in these last and EVIL days, the church has lost sight of how we are to treat one another. We are suppose to serve one another "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God"(Eph. 5:21) But in order to submit to one another, we need to respect one another.
Time is almost up saints, Jesus is preparing to return any day now, and he is not returning for a people in shambles. Be mature men and women, and look past petty differences. Stop being insecure about what you don't have that someone else has. Don't try to destroy them because you don't have the gifts of someone else. But respect and love each other the way Christ loved us. FYI, we didn't deserve the Salvation Jesus died to give us, we were all born in sin and shapen into iniquity. Jesus wants you to go to Heaven with him, but you can't go with him constantly stabbing your brother or sister in the back. Get it together church, get it together or you will be left behind.
And its one thing not to show love, but its another thing to try to inflict pain on your brother. We fight each other in church and try to make others look and feel bad. And what I have learned is that Church Folk are bickering over the smallest issues. A simple difference of opinion leads people into warfare. Preacher against Preacher, Missionary against Mother, Deacon Against Brother, what in the World?? Why are we so busy fighting each other and the rapture is around the corner. We claim to be righteous and Holy, but "the righteous shall scarcely be saved" (1 Peter 4:18) And that means those who really been living and fighting against the wiles of the enemy, will scarcely make it. Those who been earnestly trying to fight the good fight of faith, will make it in by the skin of their teeth. The righteous are not fighting their brother, the righteous don't try to wound their sister, the righteous don't intentionally try to tear down anyone. But sadly, in these last and EVIL days, the church has lost sight of how we are to treat one another. We are suppose to serve one another "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God"(Eph. 5:21) But in order to submit to one another, we need to respect one another.
Time is almost up saints, Jesus is preparing to return any day now, and he is not returning for a people in shambles. Be mature men and women, and look past petty differences. Stop being insecure about what you don't have that someone else has. Don't try to destroy them because you don't have the gifts of someone else. But respect and love each other the way Christ loved us. FYI, we didn't deserve the Salvation Jesus died to give us, we were all born in sin and shapen into iniquity. Jesus wants you to go to Heaven with him, but you can't go with him constantly stabbing your brother or sister in the back. Get it together church, get it together or you will be left behind.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Don't Do It

Have you ever heard of Charles Templeton???
Well read the link to understand who he was. I first heard about him while watching a documentary about Billy Graham. We all know Billy Graham is, a world renowned Evangelist. But many are probably not familiar with Templeton. Well Graham and Templeton came up around the same time in the 1940's. They teamed together to form the Youth for Christ which brought thousands upon thousands to hear word of God. These young men were very successful, witnesses say hundreds of seekers came nightly to seek the Lord as a result of their ministry. There is so much that could be said about the Youth for Christ that was set up by these two men, but YFC is not the purpose of todays topic.
Mr. Templeton is who I would like to focus a few moments of my attention today. After reading his story, I really became sad for this man because he was doing some great things for the Lord. You see this man was a great evangelist during his time. He toured across America and Canada trying to reconcile young men and women to the Lord. As great as this sound, he was struggling on the inside. He was in a battle with the Devil, and the battle was for his mind. There was a call on Templeton's life, and Satan knew it, and the battle was on. The greatest battles of men are not on war fields, but they occur right in the mind. The bible instructs us in Romans 12:2, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Templeton failed to renew his mind daily for the Lord. Instead he allowed the enemy to drop hints in his head.
Templeton questioned the validity of the bible, as well as advocated science over the book of Genesis. He endured science to tell him that the earth has been in existence for billions of years, which is hard to prove through the word of God. This initial question caused him to take a nose dive straight into Apostasy. Afterwhile, he gave both ears to the Devil and refused to give an ear to God. This refusal led him to shut God out of his life completely. Eventually Templeton began to whole heartedly refute the bible and tried to get others to join in with him. Can you say confused??? This is an extreme example of confusion because he went from one end of the spectrum to basically atheism. He didn't understand how God could allow bad things to happen to people, he didn't understand why violence was in the world. It appears that he basically ignored a fundemental understanding of the bible. When God first created the earth, it was intended to be a place where mankind would dwell and never die. God created the heavens and the earths, and he created Adam. God saw that all the animals had helpmates but Adam did not. So God created Eve, and we all know the story. Well if you don't quick snapshot......Ready...Here goes.....well there was a tree in the Garden of Eden. This tree was the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17) and was forbidden by Adam and Eve to eat. One day Eve was in the garden when a serpent spoke to her. He questioned why she didn't eat of it and even dangled Godly authority in front of her face. She took the bait and ate of the tree. But that was not the sin that did it. She brought Adam some of the fruit, he ate it and BAM!!!!! Just like that, sin was imputed into the earth. So when sin became apart of this world, it changed the very landscape of earth.
Templeton knew the scriptures but decided to follow after a lie. He decided to believe what the wise men of this earth tell him instead of the almighty God. The scriptures are indeed real, God will use the foolish things of this earth to confound the wise. (I Corinthians 2:27).
Why am I telling you this???
Because I don't want you to be bamboozled by the devil. Satan is very crafty, but he does not have dominion over the Holy Ghost filled believer. The enemy will try to confuse and put our minds in a wreck, but the Devil is a Certified Liar!!!!! Make your you renew your mind daily, seek the Lord while he may be found. Talk to him everyday and flex your spiritual muscle over the Devil. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to RESIST the wiles of the Devil. Sadly, Templeton didn't have on the whole armour, he forgot his helmet.
New Beginnings
WOW!!! I have always wanted to have a blog, myspace and facebook weren't for me, so here I am. The purpose of this blog is to alleviate and transfer the thoughts of a preachers Kid during a time of transition. Remembrance and inspiration will theme this blog.
First let me begin by giving all glory and honor to the King of Kings. It is because of him, that I live, move and have my utter being. His grace and mercy has allowed me one more chance to live up to the redemption he has given me. This blog comes on the hills of a great commission from God. I am in a dilemma right now, I am stuck about the next move in my life. Yes we all get stuck and question what is next. However, what I am stuck between is quite possibly a life and death situation for someone else..................
As we continue, my next move in life will begin a new chapter in the Chronicles of a Preachers Kid.
First let me begin by giving all glory and honor to the King of Kings. It is because of him, that I live, move and have my utter being. His grace and mercy has allowed me one more chance to live up to the redemption he has given me. This blog comes on the hills of a great commission from God. I am in a dilemma right now, I am stuck about the next move in my life. Yes we all get stuck and question what is next. However, what I am stuck between is quite possibly a life and death situation for someone else..................
As we continue, my next move in life will begin a new chapter in the Chronicles of a Preachers Kid.
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