Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Greetings. My post today is to discuss a dilemma that the church is being faced with. As God's children, we are to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. But in today's church, it seems as if we have lost that portion of the gospel. In my bible it reads, "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."(Luke 14:23) We have become so focused on ourselves that we have lost the discipleship message. Church has become just an activity, but disciples is who we are. We talk so much about knowing your calling, and working in the gift that God has given. But even if you are not aware of your gift, if you are saved with the Holy Ghost, you are a witness and disciple for the Lord Jesus Christ. The church is weakening because we are reducing church to the actual building. But we have to go out and tell people about the goodness of Jesus. Tell the drug addict he is a deliverer, tell the sinner that God is a redeemer. We have to take our rightful place because the enemy is going out and trying to tear down the kingdom of God. So I beseech you my brethren, to go out and testify of his goodness and intrique someone to step out and believe in Jesus.

God Bless.

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