Below is a discussion I had with a buddy of mine, well its not really a discussion, but I simply asked him what I John 2:19 meant to him.
1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
the scripture makes reference to those who once upon time fellowshipped/communed with the true believers of JESUS CHRIST. there are those who will initially fellowship, preach the word, worship with the saints, and appear to be united with the saints. however, over time it will be revealed that some were not truly united "spiritually" with the saints in promotion and spreading of the gospel of JESUS CHRIST. this will be revealed to the true believers because they will no longer preach the same doctrine, they will no longer fellowship and worship in the beauty of holiness, they will begin to teach and preach a gospel that is contrary to the infalliable WORD of GOD; also there behavior will be inconsistent and contrary to the WORD of GOD. this behavior will provide a manisfestation that in fact "they were not of us". if they were with us they would have continued with us not physically but spiritually (in behavior and message) as referenced in prior verses (I John 2:3-6). many have underlying agendas or appear to be partakers in spirit, however thru manifestation it will be revealed "those who are of us" and "those who are not of us".
Monday, June 1, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Mind Your Business! LOL
Below I have inserted a blog from CNN's Roland Martin. Its creative and much easier than bringing a notebook. Check it out @
Church for me is not a time to play around and have a swell time. I take serious my worship experience, and don’t get caught up in the hoopla of others.
In fact, one reason I prefer to sit on the front row is I don’t particularly like the distractions of folks, and with them behind me, I don’t have to see the mom smacking her kids upside the head for sleeping, the small children acting a fool, the two men or women have a conversation about what they did last night, or the other nonsense that happens in church.
So since I prefer to mind my business, I like it when folks mind theirs.
With that said, some folks have really gotten themselves worked up because they see me working my Blackberry while in church.
On Easter Sunday, I attended Emmanuel Baptist Church in Brooklyn, N.Y., at the invitation of my CNN producer. My wife and I were there, and we had a really good time. The next day, someone emailed her and was ticked that I sat on the front row and busily texted folks while in church (Even the producer leaned over at one point and asked my wife what I was doing. When told by my wife, she backed off).
The same thing happened a couple weeks ago when I was attending the 10 a.m. service at the Salem Baptist Church of Chicago. I got the following email from a fellow member:
“From one Salem member to another, do you realize that the cameras at church seem to always catch you while you are texting?
Just thought you’d like to know! On another note, keep of the good work . . . you are one to admired for your skill and talent.”
I wasn’t mad at her; she clearly was trying to apprise me of what some may think I’m doing, and they may not like it. But here was my response: “I’m not texting. I type my sermon notes on my phone. I believe in technology. I can easily send sermon notes this way, rather than writing in a tablet. I don’t worry what someone else is thinking. I focus on my relationship with God and what I’m doing in church. If they are focused on me and not the sermon, then they are not doing what they are supposed to be doing.”
See, I take notes. I used to always write them in notebooks, but with technology, I don’t have to do that now. When I was in Houston at Brookhollow Baptist Church/The Church Without Walls, a fellow member couldn’t attend Bible study, so I sent her my notes. But I had to rewrite them. Now, I can just blast an email out and it’s all good.
When I had my Treo, I also downloaded a Bible program from, that allowed me to have eight different versions of it. So at Salem, Rev. James Meeks uses the King James Version, and at Brookhollow, Pastor Ralph West Sr. uses the NIV. So, with one click, I can change the Bible and follow along.
I love technology and incorporate it into every aspect of my life. But I do think folks need to stay focused on the person in the pulpit and the Lord, and not what the person next to them is doing.
Church for me is not a time to play around and have a swell time. I take serious my worship experience, and don’t get caught up in the hoopla of others.
In fact, one reason I prefer to sit on the front row is I don’t particularly like the distractions of folks, and with them behind me, I don’t have to see the mom smacking her kids upside the head for sleeping, the small children acting a fool, the two men or women have a conversation about what they did last night, or the other nonsense that happens in church.
So since I prefer to mind my business, I like it when folks mind theirs.
With that said, some folks have really gotten themselves worked up because they see me working my Blackberry while in church.
On Easter Sunday, I attended Emmanuel Baptist Church in Brooklyn, N.Y., at the invitation of my CNN producer. My wife and I were there, and we had a really good time. The next day, someone emailed her and was ticked that I sat on the front row and busily texted folks while in church (Even the producer leaned over at one point and asked my wife what I was doing. When told by my wife, she backed off).
The same thing happened a couple weeks ago when I was attending the 10 a.m. service at the Salem Baptist Church of Chicago. I got the following email from a fellow member:
“From one Salem member to another, do you realize that the cameras at church seem to always catch you while you are texting?
Just thought you’d like to know! On another note, keep of the good work . . . you are one to admired for your skill and talent.”
I wasn’t mad at her; she clearly was trying to apprise me of what some may think I’m doing, and they may not like it. But here was my response: “I’m not texting. I type my sermon notes on my phone. I believe in technology. I can easily send sermon notes this way, rather than writing in a tablet. I don’t worry what someone else is thinking. I focus on my relationship with God and what I’m doing in church. If they are focused on me and not the sermon, then they are not doing what they are supposed to be doing.”
See, I take notes. I used to always write them in notebooks, but with technology, I don’t have to do that now. When I was in Houston at Brookhollow Baptist Church/The Church Without Walls, a fellow member couldn’t attend Bible study, so I sent her my notes. But I had to rewrite them. Now, I can just blast an email out and it’s all good.
When I had my Treo, I also downloaded a Bible program from, that allowed me to have eight different versions of it. So at Salem, Rev. James Meeks uses the King James Version, and at Brookhollow, Pastor Ralph West Sr. uses the NIV. So, with one click, I can change the Bible and follow along.
I love technology and incorporate it into every aspect of my life. But I do think folks need to stay focused on the person in the pulpit and the Lord, and not what the person next to them is doing.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Greetings. My post today is to discuss a dilemma that the church is being faced with. As God's children, we are to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. But in today's church, it seems as if we have lost that portion of the gospel. In my bible it reads, "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."(Luke 14:23) We have become so focused on ourselves that we have lost the discipleship message. Church has become just an activity, but disciples is who we are. We talk so much about knowing your calling, and working in the gift that God has given. But even if you are not aware of your gift, if you are saved with the Holy Ghost, you are a witness and disciple for the Lord Jesus Christ. The church is weakening because we are reducing church to the actual building. But we have to go out and tell people about the goodness of Jesus. Tell the drug addict he is a deliverer, tell the sinner that God is a redeemer. We have to take our rightful place because the enemy is going out and trying to tear down the kingdom of God. So I beseech you my brethren, to go out and testify of his goodness and intrique someone to step out and believe in Jesus.
God Bless.
God Bless.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Can You Be Christian and Muslim?
There is no way in my mind that it is possible to believe both, but below is an article I read from
SEATTLE, Washington (CNN) -- Ann Holmes Redding has what could be called a crisis of faiths.
Ann Holmes Redding says she sees no contradiction in being both a Christian minister and a Muslim.
1 of 2 For nearly 30 years, Redding has been an ordained minister in the Episcopal Church. Her priesthood ended Wednesday when she was defrocked.
The reason? For the past three years Redding has been both a practicing Christian and a Muslim.
"Had anyone told me in February 2006 that I would be a Muslim before April rolled around, I would have shaken my head in concern for the person's mental health," Redding recently told a crowd at a signing for a book she co-authored on religion.
Redding said her conversion to Islam was sparked by an interfaith gathering she attended three years ago. During the meeting, an imam demonstrated Muslim chants and meditation to the group. Redding said the beauty of the moment and the imam's humbleness before God stuck with her.
"It was much more this overwhelming conviction that I needed to surrender to God and this was the form that my surrender needed to take," she recalled. "It wasn't just an episode but .... was a step that I wasn't going to step back from."
CNN Newsroom
Kyra Phillips brings you the latest news from around the world, from the CNN Newsroom.
Weekdays, 1-3 p.m. ET
see full schedule »
Ten days later Redding was saying the shahada -- the Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of God and acceptance of Mohammad as his prophet.
But Redding said she felt her new Muslim faith did not pose a contradiction to her staying a Christian and minister.
"Both religions say there's only one God," Redding said, "and that God is the same God. It's very clear we are talking about the same God! So I haven't shifted my allegiance." Watch Redding say, "Being a Muslim makes me a better Christian" »
The imam at the Islamic Center in Seattle, Washington, where Redding prays said she brings the best of both traditions to her beliefs.
"Coming from an example of wanting to be Christ-like and coming from the perspective of wanting to follow the best example -- the example of our prophet Mohammed -- it all makes sense then," Benjamin Shabazz said.
There are many contradictions between the two religions. While Islam recognizes Jesus as a prophet, Christianity worships him as the son of God.
Don't Miss
Diocese statement on defrocking Redding (PDF)
James Wellman, who chairs the department of comparative religion at the University of Washington, said that while it is not unusual for people to "mix and match" beliefs, it is almost unheard of for a minister to claim two religions.
"When you take ordination as a Christian minister, you take an explicit vow of loyalty to Jesus. It's hard for me to understand how a Christian minister could have dual loyalties," Wellman said.
Redding said she sees the theological conflicts but that the two religions, at their core, "illuminate" each other.
"When I took my shahada, I said there's no God but God and that Mohammed is God's prophet or messenger. Neither of those statements, neither part of that confession or profession denies anything about Christianity," she said.
To her parishioners and family, though, Redding has turned her back on her faith and office. There was, she said, "universal puzzlement" at her decision to convert to Islam but still remain an Episcopal minister.
"I have people who love me very much who really don't want me to do this, and I love them very much. And I would love to be able to say, 'Because I love you I will renounce my orders' or 'I will renounce Islam' ... I hate causing pain to people who love me, that's not my intention," Redding said.
The Episcopal Church also rejected Redding's religious choice.
"The church interprets my being a Muslim as 'abandoning the church,' " she said. "And that [there] comes an understanding that you have to be one or the other, and most people would say that. It simply hasn't been my experience that I have to make a choice between the two."
The Diocese of Rhode Island, where Redding was ordained, told her to leave either her new Muslim faith or the ministry. A diocese statement said Bishop Geralyn Wolf found Redding to be "a woman of utmost integrity. However, the Bishop believes that a priest of the Church cannot be both a Christian and a Muslim."
Even though she has been defrocked, Redding said she is not capable of turning her back on either faith. She said she wants to continue speaking about and teaching religion and perhaps even travel to the Hajj, a journey to Mecca that every Muslim is supposed to make in their lifetime.
Redding said she does not want her belief in two religions to diminish the value she holds for both Christianity and Islam. Each faith by itself is enough to fulfill a person spiritually, she said.
"It's all there. I am not saying you have to go somewhere else to be complete. Some people don't need glasses, some people need single lenses. I need bifocals
SEATTLE, Washington (CNN) -- Ann Holmes Redding has what could be called a crisis of faiths.
Ann Holmes Redding says she sees no contradiction in being both a Christian minister and a Muslim.
1 of 2 For nearly 30 years, Redding has been an ordained minister in the Episcopal Church. Her priesthood ended Wednesday when she was defrocked.
The reason? For the past three years Redding has been both a practicing Christian and a Muslim.
"Had anyone told me in February 2006 that I would be a Muslim before April rolled around, I would have shaken my head in concern for the person's mental health," Redding recently told a crowd at a signing for a book she co-authored on religion.
Redding said her conversion to Islam was sparked by an interfaith gathering she attended three years ago. During the meeting, an imam demonstrated Muslim chants and meditation to the group. Redding said the beauty of the moment and the imam's humbleness before God stuck with her.
"It was much more this overwhelming conviction that I needed to surrender to God and this was the form that my surrender needed to take," she recalled. "It wasn't just an episode but .... was a step that I wasn't going to step back from."
CNN Newsroom
Kyra Phillips brings you the latest news from around the world, from the CNN Newsroom.
Weekdays, 1-3 p.m. ET
see full schedule »
Ten days later Redding was saying the shahada -- the Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of God and acceptance of Mohammad as his prophet.
But Redding said she felt her new Muslim faith did not pose a contradiction to her staying a Christian and minister.
"Both religions say there's only one God," Redding said, "and that God is the same God. It's very clear we are talking about the same God! So I haven't shifted my allegiance." Watch Redding say, "Being a Muslim makes me a better Christian" »
The imam at the Islamic Center in Seattle, Washington, where Redding prays said she brings the best of both traditions to her beliefs.
"Coming from an example of wanting to be Christ-like and coming from the perspective of wanting to follow the best example -- the example of our prophet Mohammed -- it all makes sense then," Benjamin Shabazz said.
There are many contradictions between the two religions. While Islam recognizes Jesus as a prophet, Christianity worships him as the son of God.
Don't Miss
Diocese statement on defrocking Redding (PDF)
James Wellman, who chairs the department of comparative religion at the University of Washington, said that while it is not unusual for people to "mix and match" beliefs, it is almost unheard of for a minister to claim two religions.
"When you take ordination as a Christian minister, you take an explicit vow of loyalty to Jesus. It's hard for me to understand how a Christian minister could have dual loyalties," Wellman said.
Redding said she sees the theological conflicts but that the two religions, at their core, "illuminate" each other.
"When I took my shahada, I said there's no God but God and that Mohammed is God's prophet or messenger. Neither of those statements, neither part of that confession or profession denies anything about Christianity," she said.
To her parishioners and family, though, Redding has turned her back on her faith and office. There was, she said, "universal puzzlement" at her decision to convert to Islam but still remain an Episcopal minister.
"I have people who love me very much who really don't want me to do this, and I love them very much. And I would love to be able to say, 'Because I love you I will renounce my orders' or 'I will renounce Islam' ... I hate causing pain to people who love me, that's not my intention," Redding said.
The Episcopal Church also rejected Redding's religious choice.
"The church interprets my being a Muslim as 'abandoning the church,' " she said. "And that [there] comes an understanding that you have to be one or the other, and most people would say that. It simply hasn't been my experience that I have to make a choice between the two."
The Diocese of Rhode Island, where Redding was ordained, told her to leave either her new Muslim faith or the ministry. A diocese statement said Bishop Geralyn Wolf found Redding to be "a woman of utmost integrity. However, the Bishop believes that a priest of the Church cannot be both a Christian and a Muslim."
Even though she has been defrocked, Redding said she is not capable of turning her back on either faith. She said she wants to continue speaking about and teaching religion and perhaps even travel to the Hajj, a journey to Mecca that every Muslim is supposed to make in their lifetime.
Redding said she does not want her belief in two religions to diminish the value she holds for both Christianity and Islam. Each faith by itself is enough to fulfill a person spiritually, she said.
"It's all there. I am not saying you have to go somewhere else to be complete. Some people don't need glasses, some people need single lenses. I need bifocals
Monday, March 30, 2009
Timothy Wright Update
Amidst a flurry of rumors and erroneous stories, the family of Pastor Timothy Wright released a statement, exclusively to Gospel Today, about his condition earlier today to bring clarity and accuracy to what is currently going on with Pastor Wright.
“Rev. Wright did not have a heart attack. But on January 21st his heart stopped suddenly. He was on life support for 2 to 3 weeks. But as of right now he’s off life support. He is breathing on his own. He’s not 100 percent responsive but he does open his eyes when we talk to him. He’s not brain dead but the lack of oxygen to his brain while his heart was stopped has caused his response to be very slow. So we’re praying that his response picks up and he returns back to normal. The doctors didn’t give us a time table but God will do it on his own time. Keep Rev in your prayers. God bless”
The family continues to thank all of those persons who have been holding Pastor Wright up in prayer and ask that they would continue to do so.
Source: Gospel Today Magazine
“Rev. Wright did not have a heart attack. But on January 21st his heart stopped suddenly. He was on life support for 2 to 3 weeks. But as of right now he’s off life support. He is breathing on his own. He’s not 100 percent responsive but he does open his eyes when we talk to him. He’s not brain dead but the lack of oxygen to his brain while his heart was stopped has caused his response to be very slow. So we’re praying that his response picks up and he returns back to normal. The doctors didn’t give us a time table but God will do it on his own time. Keep Rev in your prayers. God bless”
The family continues to thank all of those persons who have been holding Pastor Wright up in prayer and ask that they would continue to do so.
Source: Gospel Today Magazine
Thursday, March 5, 2009
God says "Live"
It is such a blessing to read a word and hear God speaking so intensely. It's funny how are you read something, and what you read is challenged by the wiles of the enemy. It's like the devil messes with you and challenges you to stand by the Word. That's how you know that God is real, because the devil is always trying to confuse after a revelation. Today's encouragement comes from the Ezekiel 16:6.
Ezekiel 16:6 And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.
Once again, I remind you that God said Live. Jesus declared that I came that you might have life, and life more abundantly. In order to have life, one must be in a state of death, darkness or lifelessness. And before the salvation of the Lord fell upon our souls, we were dead and living in bondage onto the prince of the power of the air. But God spoke a word and said "Live".
In this particular text, Ezekiel was being used by God to describe how God blessed Jerusalem. God is speaking and relating Jerusalem to the birth of a child. Just like Jerusalem, when we were found by the Lord, we had no one to deliver us. It was customary for midwives to assist in the birth process and do all the duties that doctors do during birth procedures nowadays. But God is saying there was no one there to deliver Jerusalem. We also had no one to deliver from the sin and iniquity we were born and shaped in. Not only that, there was no who could cut the connection or naval cord. There was no one in our lives to cut the connection of sin we were attached to. God goes further and says no one was there to complete the process of birth. No one was there to wash Jerusalem off, and apply salt onto the newborn body. No one had compassion on Jerusalem upon its birth, and it was left in the field needing help. How similar were we, we had nothing to wash off the iniquity, shame and sin that was all over us. Not only that, but we were left helpless, and longing for someone to care for us. But God walked through the field and found Jerusalem wrapped up in its own blood. And God spoke to Jerusalem while they were in their blood and said "Live". And while we were yet sinners, Christ died. God has spoken in your life and told you to "Live". It is my prayer that we walk in the commandment that has been giving by God. We need to live righteously for a righteous God. Be encouraged that God found us in a detestable arena of sin, and he told us to "Live". So I beseech you friends such as Paul did, "Stand therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage"
Ezekiel 16:6 And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.
Once again, I remind you that God said Live. Jesus declared that I came that you might have life, and life more abundantly. In order to have life, one must be in a state of death, darkness or lifelessness. And before the salvation of the Lord fell upon our souls, we were dead and living in bondage onto the prince of the power of the air. But God spoke a word and said "Live".
In this particular text, Ezekiel was being used by God to describe how God blessed Jerusalem. God is speaking and relating Jerusalem to the birth of a child. Just like Jerusalem, when we were found by the Lord, we had no one to deliver us. It was customary for midwives to assist in the birth process and do all the duties that doctors do during birth procedures nowadays. But God is saying there was no one there to deliver Jerusalem. We also had no one to deliver from the sin and iniquity we were born and shaped in. Not only that, there was no who could cut the connection or naval cord. There was no one in our lives to cut the connection of sin we were attached to. God goes further and says no one was there to complete the process of birth. No one was there to wash Jerusalem off, and apply salt onto the newborn body. No one had compassion on Jerusalem upon its birth, and it was left in the field needing help. How similar were we, we had nothing to wash off the iniquity, shame and sin that was all over us. Not only that, but we were left helpless, and longing for someone to care for us. But God walked through the field and found Jerusalem wrapped up in its own blood. And God spoke to Jerusalem while they were in their blood and said "Live". And while we were yet sinners, Christ died. God has spoken in your life and told you to "Live". It is my prayer that we walk in the commandment that has been giving by God. We need to live righteously for a righteous God. Be encouraged that God found us in a detestable arena of sin, and he told us to "Live". So I beseech you friends such as Paul did, "Stand therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage"
Psalms 11:In the LORD put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?
Trust is something that is essential in our relationship with God. We truly need to rely completely and solely on the Lord. The world chooses to rely on everything else but the Lord. Some trust in chariots, and some in horses Many are putting their hope and trust in material possessions, their money as well as flesh and blood. None of those entities are bad, but they are not be to relied upon. God is who we are supposed to trust. In these tough economic times, it is very apparent who America has put their trust in. Trust has been put in banks and large corporations, men who have evil in their heart. But none of these things can supply, sustain and bless you like Jesus can. But we have to trust him, and take him at his word. We have to believe that he is God and beside him there is no other. He understands all of our needs, desires and knows our prayers. But we need to trust in Jesus. Trust is an attribute of faith, and the world declares that without Faith, it is impossible to please God We need to believe and Trust in the only true and living God.
Trust is something that is essential in our relationship with God. We truly need to rely completely and solely on the Lord. The world chooses to rely on everything else but the Lord. Some trust in chariots, and some in horses Many are putting their hope and trust in material possessions, their money as well as flesh and blood. None of those entities are bad, but they are not be to relied upon. God is who we are supposed to trust. In these tough economic times, it is very apparent who America has put their trust in. Trust has been put in banks and large corporations, men who have evil in their heart. But none of these things can supply, sustain and bless you like Jesus can. But we have to trust him, and take him at his word. We have to believe that he is God and beside him there is no other. He understands all of our needs, desires and knows our prayers. But we need to trust in Jesus. Trust is an attribute of faith, and the world declares that without Faith, it is impossible to please God We need to believe and Trust in the only true and living God.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
He's More than a Sunday God

God is a good God, yes he is!!!
My God is so great and greatly to be praised. He is so mighty, that one writer penned the perfect phrase, "If I had ten thousand tongues, I couldn't praise him enough!" That is so true when you really think about it and count your blessings. For what he's done, we should be in constant praise. But forget about what the blessings in our lives, we ought to worship him just for who he is.
My mind has been wrapped around submitting my life to the Lord. And the scripture that has been in my spirit the last few days is 2 Timothy 3:5.
2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
When thinking about this, it is understood the meaning behind it. It is understood that there are those in church who do not have the Lord and servitude in their heart. It would be awesome if every soul in the House of God was there for the business of the father. But the reality is, there are some who have other motives. And Paul was warning Timothy in this chapter to be aware of those who appear to look the part of a Christian. Meaning those who appear to be like you, who appear to have a serving spirit like you. But Paul names these spirits/attitudes/mindsets by name, and warned Timothy.
Taking it a step further, there are those in church who may be legit in their intentions. They may seriously come to give God the glory. That is great, but is it enough to just come to church. Many individuals nowadays feel as if going to church is enough. Coming to the house of the Lord, getting a nice dance in, and fellowshipping with the brethren on Sunday. This is what people have become satisfied with. But there is so much more to it than that. The scripture mentions POWER, there is something behind that. Power is not obtained by just attendance. Attendance is the first step, but there are so many who come and leave Powerless. Church has become an emotional experience, but the level of Power is very minimal. During the times of the Apostles, that is where Power was Power. When there is true Power, the miracles and blessings of God are manifest. So many want the blessings and miracles of God, but fail to reach them because there is no Power in their lives. Power is obtained by relationship, humility, service and love. We all love God, but it is only apparent on Sunday. Now understand, the purpose of this particular entry is not to boost church attendance throughout the week. The purpose is to create more dialoque with God and ultimately generate more power in individual lives. When right relationship is brought to the table, then Power is evident. No longer will looking the part be an option, but actually being a powerful man or woman of God.
I hope we all embrace the power of God! God is supreme and he deserves adoration and praise and constant fellowship from his children. Your ask yourself, am I denying the power of God by simply waiting for Sunday to pray, praise and live for God. Today is the day that the Lord has made, and let us Rejoice and be glad. Obtain your power through relationship.
God Bless
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Have You been Called?
To the Ministry that is.....Below is in interesting article I found online by Moyo-Angel Bamidele. Enjoy and hope it enlightens someone..
Amen! Over the years of my teaching God's Word in the area of mentoring, adjusting and building the man that makes the ministry. I have discovered that the major problems of many young ministers are in the areas:
· Answering the question of the how, the when, whom and the where of their ministry.
· The question of am I called
· The question of how do I know that am really called
· The question of how do I fulfill my ministry.
I have preached/taught several messages answering these questions, but by the grace of God this articles will be giving an answer to the above questions as the Spirit will help because much cannot be said in article form.
Jesus gave a commission that all should go and preached the Word. The Bibles says 'you did not choose Me, but I chose you and appoint you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain' John 15:16.
Jesus instructs us all to partaker in this calling, but this does not mean you are called into ministry like many will call it. God does the setting and the calling not man. You don't enter into ministry-any phrase of it- just because you feel it is a Holy calling and you'd like to respond.
You cannot make yourself a ministry gift and it is dangerous to do something just because you want to do it.
You don't enter into ministry because someone else tells you that you are suited for it. I have seen people in church that who were apt to work for God and I believe some of them are called. The calling to serve in the ministry is not determine by your service in the vineyard of God, some church members will even come around says 'Bro/Sis, hum you are wonderful I could see you are called', but who told them?
You don't go into ministry because somebody else called you.
Don't go into ministry because your wife or husband is called and want to put you into ministry; don't make a pastor out of your husband or wife.
Don't go into ministry because you father, mother or your pastor called you.
There is a divine call to the ministry. You determine whether or not it is on your life. Don't try to go into ministry without a calling from God to do so.
How can I tell a divine call?
The truth is this, you will know it.
You will have the conviction in you spirit.
You will have the witness in your heart.
You will have the spiritual equipment- gifts of the Spirit- that go along with the office or offices to which you are called.
God deals with man's spirit, learnt to learn to your spirit. Young minister miss it in this area. Many young ministers are waiting for a till voice that will come saying 'I have called you...' waiting for that prophecy and dreams and voice. Fine, these are good, but they might not come the way you thought.
Some young minister thought that the way Pastor 'A' was called I will be called also. Our God does not work in that way, our God is dynamic, mystery and full of knowledge.
Personal Experience: I entered into the ministry without any kind of 'supernatural' (if you want to call it that- actually, everything about our God is supernatural) visitation. I entered into the ministry will an inward intuition, a knowing.
Learnt to listen down on the inside of you and you will know many things you don't know. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:10-12, but God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.
1 John 2:20, 27 say 'but you have received an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.
But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.
Wonderful! When we walk in and by the Spirit we will understand and know the things that have been freely given. And there is a place of the Anointing of the Holy Spirit on every ministry.
Don't try to function in the ministry you are not called, graced into and anointed for or carry the anointing for. (Read my article or order for 'The Significance of Anointing and The Minister and the Anointing)
Check yourself if you are just playing neither cold nor warm. If you are fully dedicated and consecrated to God to do anything He want you to do, you will become conscious of that something inside you.
There will be a divine compulsion on the inside of you.
The methods to which men are called are not important but are all about obedience.
If you are not called into full-time ministry, don't try to get into it; you will be a misfit.
The Bible says 'And say to Archippus, take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it' Colossians 4:17.
This is wonderful. Some Bible verses render it in this way 'the ministry that was delivered to you, the ministry that was given to you.
That shows that you don't make a ministry, but God gave, delivered it. Seeing a need is not a call into ministry only the ministry given of the Lord can be fulfilled.
Note that having a ministry does not make you a Pastor or to build and pastor a church.
The most important is knowing that you are called and having this understanding that you are called is not enough but answering the question of how, when, whom and where of your ministry.
To everything we do there is always a question:
How do I go about it? (In preparation, what to use...)
When to set out? (The timing)
The target and location
So also these are important to God. When God calls a man He doesn't leave him alone, He tells him how to go about it, things that are needed and necessary he put him through in order to fulfill his calling.
There is a place of preparation, everybody God calls He prepare and equip. Jesus was prepared, Moses was prepared, Daniel was prepared, and Elijah was prepared...
Personal Experience: when I was in the University, my friend normally tells me this 'I know you are called and you have the ability, but there a place for you to prepare...' That was true.
God call is different from God sending, there is an interval that exist between the calling and the sending, the interval is called the stage of preparation. In fact, the process of answering these questions is like the process involve in making of a vessel (read my article on the making of a vessel or order for my tape).
It is very important we understand this stage. Everybody wants to get to the top, getting to the top is not the problem but how long we stay at the top matters and preparation will tell.
When God calls a man, He gave him a kind and a special message to a set of people, a minister is not sent to everybody but a set of people, so it is important you know the people you are sent to.
God respects location, so when God calls a man, He sent him to a location. The call of God upon you life does not mean you are sent to everywhere.
It is important for you to know that at any point never have the thought that 'maybe am out of the will of God, even while you check yourself remember He said 'Go'.
Like what Wigglesworth said:
I am not moved by what I see.
I am not moved by what I feel.
I am moved only by what I believe.
In fulfilling your earthly ministry, The Bible says in Colossians 4:17 'And say unto Archippus. Take heed to the ministry I have given to you that thou might fulfill it.
The fulfillment of a ministry is necessary and a ministry can only be fulfill in line with the caller or the way the caller has given it i.e to the standard the caller gave it.
The only ministry that can be fulfilled is the ministry that was given of the Lord, the ministry you received, that was delivered to you. Not a ministry out of demand, seeing a need, out of desire.
In fulfilling your ministry, these laws will help you:
· Law of Divine Commandment
· Law of Mentorship
· Law of Focus
· Law of Total Abandonment
Fulfilling ministry also is all about bearing fruit and that the fruit should remain. Read my article or order for my tape on 'Fulfilling your earthly ministry.
Amen! Over the years of my teaching God's Word in the area of mentoring, adjusting and building the man that makes the ministry. I have discovered that the major problems of many young ministers are in the areas:
· Answering the question of the how, the when, whom and the where of their ministry.
· The question of am I called
· The question of how do I know that am really called
· The question of how do I fulfill my ministry.
I have preached/taught several messages answering these questions, but by the grace of God this articles will be giving an answer to the above questions as the Spirit will help because much cannot be said in article form.
Jesus gave a commission that all should go and preached the Word. The Bibles says 'you did not choose Me, but I chose you and appoint you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain' John 15:16.
Jesus instructs us all to partaker in this calling, but this does not mean you are called into ministry like many will call it. God does the setting and the calling not man. You don't enter into ministry-any phrase of it- just because you feel it is a Holy calling and you'd like to respond.
You cannot make yourself a ministry gift and it is dangerous to do something just because you want to do it.
You don't enter into ministry because someone else tells you that you are suited for it. I have seen people in church that who were apt to work for God and I believe some of them are called. The calling to serve in the ministry is not determine by your service in the vineyard of God, some church members will even come around says 'Bro/Sis, hum you are wonderful I could see you are called', but who told them?
You don't go into ministry because somebody else called you.
Don't go into ministry because your wife or husband is called and want to put you into ministry; don't make a pastor out of your husband or wife.
Don't go into ministry because you father, mother or your pastor called you.
There is a divine call to the ministry. You determine whether or not it is on your life. Don't try to go into ministry without a calling from God to do so.
How can I tell a divine call?
The truth is this, you will know it.
You will have the conviction in you spirit.
You will have the witness in your heart.
You will have the spiritual equipment- gifts of the Spirit- that go along with the office or offices to which you are called.
God deals with man's spirit, learnt to learn to your spirit. Young minister miss it in this area. Many young ministers are waiting for a till voice that will come saying 'I have called you...' waiting for that prophecy and dreams and voice. Fine, these are good, but they might not come the way you thought.
Some young minister thought that the way Pastor 'A' was called I will be called also. Our God does not work in that way, our God is dynamic, mystery and full of knowledge.
Personal Experience: I entered into the ministry without any kind of 'supernatural' (if you want to call it that- actually, everything about our God is supernatural) visitation. I entered into the ministry will an inward intuition, a knowing.
Learnt to listen down on the inside of you and you will know many things you don't know. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:10-12, but God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.
1 John 2:20, 27 say 'but you have received an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.
But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.
Wonderful! When we walk in and by the Spirit we will understand and know the things that have been freely given. And there is a place of the Anointing of the Holy Spirit on every ministry.
Don't try to function in the ministry you are not called, graced into and anointed for or carry the anointing for. (Read my article or order for 'The Significance of Anointing and The Minister and the Anointing)
Check yourself if you are just playing neither cold nor warm. If you are fully dedicated and consecrated to God to do anything He want you to do, you will become conscious of that something inside you.
There will be a divine compulsion on the inside of you.
The methods to which men are called are not important but are all about obedience.
If you are not called into full-time ministry, don't try to get into it; you will be a misfit.
The Bible says 'And say to Archippus, take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it' Colossians 4:17.
This is wonderful. Some Bible verses render it in this way 'the ministry that was delivered to you, the ministry that was given to you.
That shows that you don't make a ministry, but God gave, delivered it. Seeing a need is not a call into ministry only the ministry given of the Lord can be fulfilled.
Note that having a ministry does not make you a Pastor or to build and pastor a church.
The most important is knowing that you are called and having this understanding that you are called is not enough but answering the question of how, when, whom and where of your ministry.
To everything we do there is always a question:
How do I go about it? (In preparation, what to use...)
When to set out? (The timing)
The target and location
So also these are important to God. When God calls a man He doesn't leave him alone, He tells him how to go about it, things that are needed and necessary he put him through in order to fulfill his calling.
There is a place of preparation, everybody God calls He prepare and equip. Jesus was prepared, Moses was prepared, Daniel was prepared, and Elijah was prepared...
Personal Experience: when I was in the University, my friend normally tells me this 'I know you are called and you have the ability, but there a place for you to prepare...' That was true.
God call is different from God sending, there is an interval that exist between the calling and the sending, the interval is called the stage of preparation. In fact, the process of answering these questions is like the process involve in making of a vessel (read my article on the making of a vessel or order for my tape).
It is very important we understand this stage. Everybody wants to get to the top, getting to the top is not the problem but how long we stay at the top matters and preparation will tell.
When God calls a man, He gave him a kind and a special message to a set of people, a minister is not sent to everybody but a set of people, so it is important you know the people you are sent to.
God respects location, so when God calls a man, He sent him to a location. The call of God upon you life does not mean you are sent to everywhere.
It is important for you to know that at any point never have the thought that 'maybe am out of the will of God, even while you check yourself remember He said 'Go'.
Like what Wigglesworth said:
I am not moved by what I see.
I am not moved by what I feel.
I am moved only by what I believe.
In fulfilling your earthly ministry, The Bible says in Colossians 4:17 'And say unto Archippus. Take heed to the ministry I have given to you that thou might fulfill it.
The fulfillment of a ministry is necessary and a ministry can only be fulfill in line with the caller or the way the caller has given it i.e to the standard the caller gave it.
The only ministry that can be fulfilled is the ministry that was given of the Lord, the ministry you received, that was delivered to you. Not a ministry out of demand, seeing a need, out of desire.
In fulfilling your ministry, these laws will help you:
· Law of Divine Commandment
· Law of Mentorship
· Law of Focus
· Law of Total Abandonment
Fulfilling ministry also is all about bearing fruit and that the fruit should remain. Read my article or order for my tape on 'Fulfilling your earthly ministry.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Happy New Year
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