Thursday, March 5, 2009

God says "Live"

It is such a blessing to read a word and hear God speaking so intensely. It's funny how are you read something, and what you read is challenged by the wiles of the enemy. It's like the devil messes with you and challenges you to stand by the Word. That's how you know that God is real, because the devil is always trying to confuse after a revelation. Today's encouragement comes from the Ezekiel 16:6.

Ezekiel 16:6 And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.

Once again, I remind you that God said Live. Jesus declared that I came that you might have life, and life more abundantly. In order to have life, one must be in a state of death, darkness or lifelessness. And before the salvation of the Lord fell upon our souls, we were dead and living in bondage onto the prince of the power of the air. But God spoke a word and said "Live".

In this particular text, Ezekiel was being used by God to describe how God blessed Jerusalem. God is speaking and relating Jerusalem to the birth of a child. Just like Jerusalem, when we were found by the Lord, we had no one to deliver us. It was customary for midwives to assist in the birth process and do all the duties that doctors do during birth procedures nowadays. But God is saying there was no one there to deliver Jerusalem. We also had no one to deliver from the sin and iniquity we were born and shaped in. Not only that, there was no who could cut the connection or naval cord. There was no one in our lives to cut the connection of sin we were attached to. God goes further and says no one was there to complete the process of birth. No one was there to wash Jerusalem off, and apply salt onto the newborn body. No one had compassion on Jerusalem upon its birth, and it was left in the field needing help. How similar were we, we had nothing to wash off the iniquity, shame and sin that was all over us. Not only that, but we were left helpless, and longing for someone to care for us. But God walked through the field and found Jerusalem wrapped up in its own blood. And God spoke to Jerusalem while they were in their blood and said "Live". And while we were yet sinners, Christ died. God has spoken in your life and told you to "Live". It is my prayer that we walk in the commandment that has been giving by God. We need to live righteously for a righteous God. Be encouraged that God found us in a detestable arena of sin, and he told us to "Live". So I beseech you friends such as Paul did, "Stand therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage"

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